Flexiloop Bag 軟手挽帶袋

Flexiloop Bag 軟手挽帶袋

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To replace thin T-shirt bag, flexiloop bag can print with much better image.

  • 描述
  • Usage & Applications
  • Special Features


Material: Virgin and Recycled LDPE & HDPE; Degradable enviromental friendly material; ultra-flexible CPE; Laminated film for non-rub-off surface.
基材料:原生或再生高或低密度聚乙烯;可降解環保料;流延級超拉伸性低密度聚乙烯; 獨特不脫色膜特別配方設計, 避免經常摩擦而脫色。

Suitable for all kinds of medium to higher speciality stores, such as sports products, children's apparel, toys, snack foods and cosmetics.
適合各行各業的中高檔零售品牌, 由運動用品, 童裝,衣履鞋襪,玩具,珠寶,化妝品商店均選用。

Accessories: Shoulder-long flexiloop or coloured flexiloop available