Double Layer Gift Bag 雙層料禮物袋

Double Layer Gift Bag 雙層料禮物袋

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Double Layer Gift Bag is the superme style of gift bag. On appearance, it doesn’t look like shopping bag but rather a stylish reusable bag. The outter layer material is ultra flexible and semi-transparent matt while the inner layer usually dyed in colour and shinny on surface. The colour of the inner layer can be viewed through from the outside. The top opening is closed by pull out the strings which can made from variety of materials as ribbon and cotton, etc.

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Material: Virgin and Recycled LDPE, Degradable enviromental friendly material; ultra-flexible CPE.
基材料:原生或再生低密度聚乙烯; 可降解環保料; 流延級超拉伸性低密度聚乙烯。

Originated as a wrapping Gift as if the gift itself. Double layer gift bag can literally replace wrapping paper to present your gift nicely. Pair them with gift wrapping, double-layer gift bags make good use of precious storefronts and reduce the amount of gift wrapping space.Gifr as smaller size for premium chocolate, to giant size for puzzle box. Double layer is most suitable for intimate gift for your love. Candy, Lingerie, Spa, soap, perfume, cosmetics, scarf, pillow, photo frame, hand-cream, ear-ring or necklace jewellery box, Album, toys and hobbies etc.
禮物包裝重要性不比禮物本身低。雙層禮品袋源於禮物包裝袋,用以替代包裝紙,更好地展示您的禮品。用於店面, 雙層禮品袋更能善用珍貴店面位置, 減少包紮禮物地方。由精緻小巧的巧克力,至大尺寸的拼圖盒。雙層最適合愛人。糖果,內衣,耳環或項鍊首飾盒,水療,肥皂,護手霜,香水,化妝品,絲巾圍巾,枕頭,相框,相冊,玩具和嗜好物品等。

Accessories 配件: Single Layer 單層, or Double Layer 雙層, Hotstamping 燙金. Common or Ribbon string in all colour 各色絲帶 或 一般繩帶