Hot Spring Bag 巾著袋

Hot Spring Bag 巾著袋

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Hot spring bag is the premium quality bag used in Japan spring hotel. Fully representing Japanese dedicated culture, this simple but premium bag is a symbol of ” Less is More” and is widely accepted in the hot spring hotel fields. The material is ultra flexible and dyed in colour while printing with 1-2 colours with hotel message. A drawstring opening on top is closed by a simple stretch to keep the guest personal belongings inside.
溫泉袋是專為日本溫泉酒​​店而設的優質袋。集日本人精雕細琢的神韻,這款被廣泛稱為巾著袋的簡單袋子,充分表現Less is More精髓,在溫泉酒店界中享負盛名,極受歡迎。這種材料非常有彈性,與溫泉泡湯溫暖感不謀而合。簡單以顏色料印上1-2種顏色的酒店信息已表達令人心領神匯。通過索繩關上袋口將私人物品放好, 安心享用溫暖帶給客人的寧靜恬適。

  • Description
  • Usage & Applications
  • Special Features


Material: Virgin and Recycled LDPE, Degradable enviromental friendly material; ultra-flexible CPE.
基材料:原生或再生低密度聚乙烯; 可降解環保料; 流延級超拉伸性低密度聚乙烯。

Specially developed and used by Japan spring hotel.

Accessories 配件: Single Layer 單層, or Double Layer 雙層, Hotstamping 燙金. Common or Ribbon string in all colour 各色絲帶 或 一般繩帶